Turkey Government Scholarships 2024: A Guide for International Students

As an international student, you can apply to study in Turkey in 2024 with full funding through the Turkish Government Scholarships. These Turkey Burslari Scholarships provide you with an excellent opportunity to pursue an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree at a top university in Turkey completely free of charge. The scholarship covers your full tuition fees, accommodation, a monthly stipend, one return airline ticket, health insurance, and more. To be eligible, you will need to provide documents including transcripts, diplomas, exam results, a passport, and potentially a research proposal. With this comprehensive guide, you can learn everything you need to know to successfully apply for and win one of these prestigious Turkey Scholarships for the 2024 academic year.

Overview of Turkey Government Scholarships 2024

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for Turkey Burslari Scholarships 2024, you must meet several criteria. You must be under the age of 21 for undergraduate programs, under 30 for Master’s programs, and under 35 for PhD programs. You must have a strong academic record with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 or 65% in your previous degree. You must provide evidence of English or Turkish language proficiency for programs taught in those languages.

Application Process

The application process for Turkey Government Scholarships 2024 begins in January and ends in May. You must submit your application through the official website. The required documents include academic transcripts, diplomas, exam scores, a passport copy, photos, and a research proposal for PhD applicants. The applications are evaluated based on several factors, including the proposed field of study, academic merit, and language abilities. Successful applicants are notified in July and August.

Benefits and Opportunities

As a recipient of Turkey Burslari Scholarship 2024, you will receive full tuition coverage and free housing. You will also get a monthly living stipend, one-year Turkish language training, and health insurance. The scholarship provides valuable opportunities for cultural exchange. You can learn about Turkish history, arts, and traditions through social and cultural activities organized for international students. Studying in Turkey will allow you to experience life at the crossroads of Western and Eastern cultures.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process for Turkey Burslari Scholarships

To be eligible for the Turkey Burslari Scholarships 2024, you must meet the following criteria:

You must be a non-Turkish citizen and under the age of 30 for undergraduate programs and 35 for master’s and PhD programs. You need to have a bachelor’s degree by the application deadline to apply for master’s and doctoral programs. Your proposed field of study must be available at the Turkish university you choose.

The application process involves the following steps:

First, you must submit an online application through Turkey Burslari Scholarships website when the call for applications opens. Make sure you provide all required documents, including academic transcripts, diplomas, exam results, a research proposal (if applicable), passport copy, photo, and language test scores.

Second, your application will be evaluated based on your academic success and achievements as well as the university preferences you indicated. If selected, you will be invited for an interview at a Turkish embassy or consulate nearest to you.

Finally, if you are awarded the scholarship, you will receive an acceptance letter and start the visa process. Once in Turkey, you need to register at the university and take a one-year Turkish language course before starting your degree program.

The Turkey Burslari Scholarships provide a valuable opportunity to study in Turkey at top universities with full funding. With the right preparation and persistence, ###you have a good chance of becoming one of the many international students who have benefited from this prestigious scholarship program.

Benefits and Required Documents for Turkey Government Scholarships 2024 FAQ

Full Tuition Fee Waiver

As a recipient of the Turkey Burslari Scholarship, you will receive a full tuition fee waiver for the duration of your undergraduate, master’s or doctoral degree program at a Turkish university. The tuition fees will be covered directly by the Turkish Government.

Monthly Stipend

In addition to the tuition fee waiver, you will receive a monthly stipend to help cover your living expenses such as accommodation, transportation, and meals during your stay in Turkey. The stipend amount may vary each year depending on the Turkish Government’s budget.


The Turkish Government will provide you with accommodation for the duration of your studies. You will be placed in dormitories located either within the university campus or near the university premises. Some accommodation options may be shared with other students.

Required Documents

To apply for the Turkey Burslari Scholarship, you will need to submit several documents to prove your eligibility. These include:

  • Official academic transcripts and graduation certificates for your previous degrees.
  • A copy of your passport.
  • Reference letters from your professors.
  • A research proposal outlining your intended PhD research topic (for PhD applicants only).
  • Proof of English or Turkish language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS score).
  • Colour photos (passport size).
  • Statement of Purpose (for master’s and PhD applicants).

Meeting the document requirements is crucial to ensure your application is complete and eligible for consideration by the selection committee. Prepare these documents carefully according to the instructions provided in the application portal.

In summary, the Turkey Burslari Scholarship provides significant benefits including tuition fee funding, a monthly stipend, accommodation, and health insurance which can help relieve financial pressures for international students and allow full focus on your education. By meeting the necessary requirements and submitting a strong, complete application, you will maximize your chances of being selected for this prestigious scholarship program.

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In conclusion, the Turkey Government Scholarships 2024 provide a valuable opportunity for you to pursue an undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degree in Turkey with full funding. As an international student, you stand to benefit immensely from this program in terms of high-quality education, cultural exchange, and career prospects. To apply, you must prepare the required documents thoroughly and follow the instructions. If selected, you can look forward to living and studying in Turkey with financial support and an engaging academic and social experience. With diligence and care in applying, you may open up a world of possibilities through this competitive scholarship program.

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